My Fishing Cape Cod group fishing trips are an affordable way to experience some of the best fishing Cape Cod has to offer. In addition, these trips are an excellent opportunity to learn and meet other people from My Fishing Cape Cod. Plus you might even get a chance to be on TV!
Originally I had announced online registration would take place this Saturday April 30th, however I need more time to finalize all the details. Therefore registration will now open on Saturday May 14th at 9AM. Plus I want to give everyone sufficient time to look at the dates and ask me any questions.
The Group Fishing Concept

Charter fishing is traditionally not cheap. Private trips with quality captains often cost between $800-$1,500 (or more) depending on the type of charter. My Fishing Cape Cod group trips help make the experience more affordable by offering trips on a per-person basis.
When you go on a My Fishing Cape Cod group trip, you'll be fishing with captain Cullen Lundholm of Cape Star Charters, and a crew from My Fishing Cape Cod. This year we are doing our best to offer a variety of trips for black sea bass, stripers and tuna.
Below are the dates I have scheduled so far for the 2022 season. Usually these spots sell out quickly, but I will do my best to get you out fishing this year. For example, if all the striper trips sell out immediately, then I will talk with captain Cullen and we'll try to arrange more dates.
Costs this year will probably range between $240-$590 per person depending on the type of trip. I say probably because there's a chance some of the prices below might change as I finalize all the details.
So have a look below at the trips I have currently have on the schedule, and please feel free to reach out with any questions.
Black Sea Bass

Black sea bass trips typically depart from Taylor Point Marina in Bourne around 6am and return by 11am (or earlier depending on how quickly everyone catches their limit). Final details will be emailed to you 24 hours in advance.
Cullen's brand new 33' Conch center console is a huge fishing platform and will offer everyone ample elbow room for fishing. All fishing rods and tackle will be provided.
*Prices & the number of anglers on a trip are subject to change between now and when registration opens on Saturday May 14th, as I work on finalizing all the details.
Saturday May 21st - $240/person, 6 anglers + captain Cullen
Monday May 23rd
"Feature Trip" - $325/person, 5 anglers + Ryan and captain Cullen. Ryan will film this trip and possibly feature it on the MFCC website, social media channels, and/or TV show!
Sunday May 29th - $240/person, 6 anglers + captain Cullen, 6AM departure.
Sunday May 29th - $240/person, 6 anglers + captain Cullen, 11AM departure, return by 4pm (or earlier if everyone catches their limit).
Striped Bass

Striper trips typically depart between 5am-7am and return 5 hours later. Port of departure varies and will depend on where the fish are biting best. Final details will be emailed to you 24 hours in advance.
Cullen's brand new 33' Conch center console is a huge fishing platform and will offer everyone ample elbow room for fishing. Nevertheless, I have decided to have a maximum of 4 anglers onboard for these trips. All fishing rods and tackle will be provided.
*Prices & the number of anglers on a trip are subject to change between now and when registration opens on Saturday May 14th, as I work on finalizing all the details.
Wednesday May 25th - $340/person, 4 anglers + captain Cullen.
Friday May 27th "Feature Trip" - $399/person, 3 anglers + Ryan and captain Cullen. Ryan will film this trip and possibly feature it on the MFCC website, social media channels, and/or TV show!
Sunday June 5th - $340/person, 4 anglers + captain Cullen.
Saturday June 11th - $340/person, 4 anglers + captain Cullen.
Sunday June 12th "Feature Trip" - $399/person, 3 anglers + Ryan and captain Cullen. I will film this trip and possibly feature it on the MFCC website, social media channels, and/or TV show!
School Bluefin Tuna | South of the Vineyard

During these trips will be targeting smaller bluefin tuna in the 30-200 pound range. During late June we we are planning on fishing south of Martha's Vineyard, unless we get word of a hot bite somewhere else. These are smaller tunas that you can keep and bring home to eat.
Techniques used during these trips could include casting and vertical jigging with spinning tackle, or trolling with conventional tackle. All gear will be provided.
Expect to depart around 5am and return around 8 hours later. Port of departure varies and will depend on where the fish are biting best. Final details will be emailed to you 24 hours in advance.
Cullen's brand new 33' Conch center console is a huge fishing platform that can easily fit 6 anglers and still provide everyone ample elbow room for fishing. Nevertheless, I have decided to have a maximum of 4 anglers onboard for these trips.
*Prices & the number of anglers on a trip are subject to change between now and when registration opens on Saturday May 14th, as I work on finalizing all the details.
June 19th "Feature Trip" - $590/person, 4 anglers + Ryan and captain Cullen. I will film this trip and possibly feature it on the MFCC website, social media channels, and/or TV show!
June 21st - "Feature Trip" - $590/person, 4 anglers + Ryan and captain Cullen. I will film this trip and possibly feature it on the MFCC website, social media channels, and/or TV show!
June 26th - $489/person, 4 anglers + captain Cullen.
Giant Bluefin Tuna | East of the Cape

During these trips you will be targeting giant bluefin tuna east of Cape Cod. This is the type of fishing you see on Wicked Tuna. Giant tunas are some of the largest fish in the ocean, and in past years captain Cullen has caught giants as large as 1,100 pounds.
Any tuna caught onboard these trips will be sold by captain Cullen and you as part of the crew will not receive a percentage of the sale. In other words, you won't be bringing home any meat for dinner or earning a paycheck, but you will be going home with invaluable tuna fishing information that cannot be obtained anywhere else. There is also a high likelihood that you will see dozens of adult humpback whales as they breach and bubble feed.
Giant tuna fishing east of the Cape with captain Cullen can be an incredible and exhilarating experience. The perfect crew for this type of trip is a crew that is in it for the adventure of heading offshore, seeing whales, and having a chance to do battle with the largest fish in the ocean.
Techniques used during this trip will be live-lining bait (most likely mackerel) on 80 class conventional setups. All gear and tackle will be provided.
Expect to depart around 5am and return around 8 hours later. Port of departure varies and will depend on the weather. Final details will be emailed to you 24 hours in advance.
Cullen's brand new 33' Conch center console is a huge fishing platform that can easily fit 6 anglers and still provide everyone ample elbow room for fishing. Nevertheless, I have decided to have a maximum of 4 anglers onboard for these trips.
*Prices & the number of anglers on a trip are subject to change between now and when registration opens on Saturday May 14th, as I work on finalizing all the details.
June 27th - $440/person, 4 anglers + captain Cullen.
June 28th - "Feature Trip" - $540/person, 4 anglers + Ryan and captain Cullen. I will film this trip and possibly feature it on the MFCC website, social media channels, and/or TV show!
July 1st - "Feature Trip" - $540/person, 4 anglers + Ryan and captain Cullen. I will film this trip and possibly feature it on the MFCC website, social media channels, and/or TV show!
July 2nd - $440/person, 4 anglers + captain Cullen.
School Bluefin Tuna | Stellwagen Bank or East of the Cape

During these trips will be targeting smaller bluefin tuna in the 30-200 pound range. During September and October we we are planning on fishing Stellwagen Bank or east of the Cape. These are smaller tunas that you can keep and bring home to eat.
Techniques used during these trips could include casting and vertical jigging with spinning tackle, or trolling with conventional tackle. All gear will be provided.
Expect to depart around 5am and return around 8 hours later. Port of departure varies and will depend on where the fish are biting best. Final details will be emailed to you 24 hours in advance.
Cullen's brand new 33' Conch center console is a huge fishing platform that can easily fit 6 anglers and still provide everyone ample elbow room for fishing. Nevertheless, I have decided to have a maximum of 4 anglers onboard for these trips.
*Prices & the number of anglers on a trip are subject to change between now and when registration opens on Saturday May 14th, as I work on finalizing all the details.
September 23 - "Feature Trip" - $590/person, 4 anglers + Ryan and captain Cullen. I will film this trip and possibly feature it on the MFCC website, social media channels, and/or TV show!
September 24 - $489/person, 4 anglers + captain Cullen.
September 30 - "Feature Trip" - $590/person, 4 anglers + Ryan and captain Cullen. I will film this trip and possibly feature it on the MFCC website, social media channels, and/or TV show!
October 21 - "Feature Trip" - $590/person, 4 anglers + Ryan and captain Cullen. I will film this trip and possibly feature it on the MFCC website, social media channels, and/or TV show!
October 22 - $489/person, 4 anglers + captain Cullen.
October 29 - "Feature Trip" - $590/person, 4 anglers + Ryan and captain Cullen. I will film this trip and possibly feature it on the MFCC website, social media channels, and/or TV show!
How To Register
Online registration for these trips will open on Saturday May 14th at 9am. You'll receive a link via email to the registration page where you can select spots onboard trips and submit payment.
In the event that you do not receive an email, I will also add a "Fishing Trips" link to the main navigation menu of this website. There's usually a high demand for spots onboard these trips, so please be at your computer and ready to go.
If you're on our email list and have been receiving emails about these group trips, then you'll receive a reminder email Saturday May 14th at 9am. If you have not been receiving our emails, then please enter your email below to be notified so you don't miss out.
More Information
For our 2022 group fishing trips we'll once again be teaming up with captain Cullen Lundholm of Cape Star Charters. Captain Cullen has years of experience fishing the waters surrounding Cape Cod and the Islands. He also has an extensive network which helps him stay on top of the fish.

Since 2015 we've been running group trips with Cullen for haddock, tautog, black sea bass, stripers, bluefish, and bluefin tuna. In total we've run well over 100 trips with Cullen and they are always an adventure and a great learning experience for everyone onboard.

This year Cullen will be running a brand new 33' Conch center console boat which is a fishing machine.
If you'd like to do a deep-dive into past group trips to see what they're all about, then please review some of the videos and reports linked below.
In the meantime, please feel free to reach out with any questions by leaving a comment, or clicking the green intercom bubble in the lower right hand corner of your screen.
Thank you for reading this information about our 2022 group fishing trips. It would be wonderful to see you aboard for one of these exciting adventures!
Looks like some great fishing experiences are being worked out here and had this been another time I would be all over some of these events. My physicality s just will not allow me , but for those who sign up good fortunes in King Neptune’s Realm Peace and Prayers Carl
Thanks for the comment Carl. It would be great to do some fishing with you someday! I hope to see you at the May 7th Surfcasting Distance Competition!