September 26 2019

Fishing The Beach On Cape Cod During A Nor’ Easter


Ryan Collins

Surfcasting the beach on Cape Cod during a nor' easter can be a challenge, with big waves and often a lot of weed - but it can also produce great fishing.

However, fishing in these difficult conditions can be extremely difficult, and at times pretty dangerous. For example, I don't recommend wading or going any deeper than shin deep water during a storm, due to strong currents and riptides.

Nevertheless great surf fishing can occur during nor' east storms when large schools of baitfish (especially peanut bunker) get swept up in the waves and pinned against the shoreline.


Being in the right spot at the right time in order to experience this sort of event takes planning, a knowledge of where the bait and predators are, plus a great deal of luck. I live right by the beach and even I only experience nor' east storm blitzes once or twice a season, and I am always on the lookout for them!

I don't mention this to discourage you, but only to ward against creating a false sense of confidence. Just because there are big waves crashing against the shoreline, doesn't guarantee there will be fish!

Today I wanted to "resurface" some posts and videos from autumns of years past when I was lucky enough to encounter big blitzes in big storms. 

If you are new to My Fishing Cape Cod then there is a chance you might never of seen these posts and videos before because they are "buried" within the archives here on the website.

Please click a thumbnail below to access the post/video:

Catching stripers and bluefish as big waves and wind pound the shoreline is pretty much the apex of of surfcasting. It is what every shore bound angler dreams of experiencing!

With some determination, good intel, a strategy and of course some luck, then you too will have a great chance of one day catching big fish during a big storm. 

Please just remember to be careful and not enter the water during a storm. No fish is worth risking your life. Riptides and currents are much stronger than normal when fishing in these harsh conditions.

Tight lines! ?

What do you think?

Let me know by commenting below.

  • Hi, i don t know what a url is. How d o you present your bait when fishing rough surf. I fish Humarock Beach. I use a. 4oz pyramid inn rough surf, but even then i can only hold bottom for a few minutes at a time. Should i be plugging? I am a mack chunker usually. Thanks for any advice. Chris Nyhan

    • Hey Chris ?I prefer to cast 3oz pencil poppers and 2oz-3oz kastmasters when fishing in storm conditions. I agree that trying to fish bait on the bottom in these conditions would be very difficult. Any long-casting lure ought to work better. Fishing 2oz-3oz bucktail jigs in the surf is also not a bad idea. LMK if I can help with anything else. ?

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